Monday, December 2, 2013


Definition of Sharing

What is sharing?
A part or portion belonging to, distributed to, contributed by, or owed by a person or group.

Meaning of sharing by…

(Meaning 1) A unit of ownership that represents an equal proportion of a company's capital. It entitles its holder (the shareholder) to an equal claim on the company's profits and an equal obligation for the company's debts and losses. Two major types of shares are ordinary shares (common stock), which entitle the shareholder to share in the earnings of the company as and when they occur, and to vote at the company's annual general meetings and other official meetings, and preference shares (preferred stock) which entitle the shareholder to a fixed periodic income (interest) but generally do not give him or her voting rights.

(Meaning 2) The Sharing Economy also called as Collaborative Consumption, connects people to their communities, saves money, and is environmentally-conscious. It is an economic model based on sharing, swapping, bartering, trading or renting access to products as opposed to ownership.

(Meaning 1) In most societies, the gift of food conveys social meaning, as well as nutritional sustenance. Food sharing is a form of where one individual gives up the food it has forged to another individual. Example : there has been little focused study of this practice among older adults in the US, who, as a group, are considered nutritionally vulnerable. We completed in-depth interviews with 145 adults (African American, European American, and Native American) aged 70+ years in rural North Carolina. Our objectives are to describe the types of food shared by gender and ethnicity, to identify values and meaning elders associate with giving and receiving food, and to discuss the nutritional and social contribution food sharing makes to the lives of these rural elders. All elders participated in food sharing, as givers, recipients, or both. It is valued by these elders as a way to maintain reciprocity in social relations and to create a feeling of community membership. For older adults, receiving food gifts may augment a diet limited by income and functional status.

(Meaning 2) As social media continues to evolve and its uses change and expand, so does the definition of social media. In part, this is attributable to the fact that social media relates to the technology and platforms that enable the interactive web’s content creation, collaboration and exchange by participants and the public. Yet, many users, business executives and the public consider the marketing around these networks and the content created on them to be social media.

A guide for parents and educators to sharing the enduring ideas of the biggest minds throughout the centuries. Example : Children are no strangers to cruelty and courage, to love and to loss, and in this unique book teacher and educational consultant Marietta McCarty reveals that they are, in fact, natural philosophers. Drawing on a program she has honed in schools around the country over the last fifteen years, Little Big Minds guides parents and educators in introducing philosophy to K-8 children in order to develop their critical thinking, deepen their appreciation for others, and brace them for the philosophical quandaries that lurk in all of our lives, young or old.

Arranged according to themes-including prejudice, compassion, and death-and featuring the work of philosophers from Plato and Socrates to the Dalai Lama and Martin Luther King Jr., this step-by-step guide to teaching kids how to think philosophically is full of excellent discussion questions, teaching tips, and group exercises.

·         Other’s response helps them understand and process with info & events.
·         Process info more deeply, thoroughly and thoughtfully when share.
·         Allow them to inform others about the specific product and changes opinion.
·         Info will be useful to the recipients.
·         To give people better sense of whom they are and what they care about.
·         To get rewarded discounts and promotions.

·         It helps to connect with others who share interests.
·         Lets them stay connected with people.
·         To feel more involved in the world.
·         Way to support issues they care about.
·         Be popular and define ourselves to others.
·         Self fulfillment


After researched about various types of definition of sharing, I basically understood that sharing is all about relationship. It’s bring valuable and entertaining content to others, define ourselves to others, to grow and nourish our relationship, self fulfillment and to get the word out about causes and brands.

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